You Know Its Gonna Be Alright Gravity Falls


Recap / Gravity Falls S 2 Eastward xi Not What He Seems

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It's gonna exist a bumpy ride, just it'll all be worth it. Just eighteen more hours. Finally, everything changes. Today.

Grunkle Stan

Late at night, Stan powers up the Universe Portal. Journal i warns that doing then will cause gravitational anomalies and advises against it, just Stan disregards this, having come too far to stop now. Every bit the countdown begins, one such anomaly occurs. Regardless, Stan eagerly waits for his piece of work to exist finished.

The next morning, the Pines family plays around with Stan's fireworks stash and h2o balloons. Stan considers telling the Twins something important, but chickens out. Privately, he notes that he can't keep his hugger-mugger forever, and that the Twins will find out somehow. Before he tin human activity on these thoughts, a squad of blackness op soldiers, led by Agents Powers and Triggers, appear and take the Mystery Shack. Powers reveals that since the zombie incident, he and Trigger have been watching the Pines family, and accuses Stan of stealing several dozen drums of toxic waste. Furthermore, he suspects there might be a doomsday device of sorts hidden on the Mystery Shack property. Stan insists that he was restocking the gift shack, simply is taken away. While Powers goes with Stan to the police station, Trigger takes the Twins to kid services.

Using his one phone phone call, Stan tells Soos to guard the vending machine in the Mystery Shack gift shop. Meanwhile, the Twins decide that to prove Stan innocent, they need the Shack's security footage of the gift shop. Mabel provokes Manly Dan into running the government automobile off of the road by mocking Sev'ral Timez, and the Twins make their escape. Trigger insists that the Twins are putting their faith in the wrong man, as he's seen the con Stan's allegedly running earlier. Dipper tries to ignore him, but his words hit the marker.

Meanwhile, Grunkle Stan is trying to figure out a way to escape and get back to the Mystery Shack to witness the Portal's activation. When his inaugural picket alerts him to an bibelot, he gets an idea. At the aforementioned fourth dimension, with his laptop synchronized to the time of the Portal's activation, Old Man McGucket decides to flee town before it's too late.

Back at the Mystery Shack, the Twins use Mabel's Grappling-Hook Gun to break in and sneak in to Stan's office. Reviewing the security tapes from last night, they meet that Stan was stocking the gift shop...earlier leaving and returning with drums of waste! But and so they find something even more damning—a box full of fake IDs, a newspaper clipping on an unknown grifter, and another with the headline STAN PINES DEAD. The Twins are unable to procedure what they've constitute. Looking for more clues to solve this mystery, they find a note for a code of some sort. Mabel realizes that the letters and numbers refer to the vending machine.

At the police station, simply every bit Powers is nearly to have Grunkle Stan to Washington, a gravitational bibelot occurs, assuasive Stan to escape. He pays off a cabdriver to lead the agents on a Wild Goose Chase. The rest of the government squad pulls away from the Mystery Shack to chase after the cab, leaving the vending machine unattended. Soos arrives, adamant to carry out his orders. Dipper and Mabel arrive and endeavour to convince Soos to move, simply he refuses. A cursory scuffle ensues, ending when the cloak-and-dagger passage opens. Entering, they discover Stan's undercover lab, the Universe Portal...and the other two Journals! Outraged that Stan had kept the journals hidden from him, Dipper assumes that the agents were correct and that Stan is a criminal. He uses his black light on the Universe Portal's entry, revealing another hidden message—that the Portal, once at full power, can destroy the globe! The trio try to activate the emergency shut off, but earlier Dipper tin button the Big Blood-red Push button, Stan appears, pleading with them not to turn it off. Dipper, furious at all the secrets and lies Stan's told, refuses to listen. Before Stan can explain farther, the most powerful of the gravity anomalies ensues and sends everyone in the room flying, equally well equally affecting the entire boondocks. Mabel, her leg caught on a cablevision, is the but one close plenty to the Portal's shut-off. Dipper tells her to push button it, as the Portal could destroy the Universe, but Stan begs her not to, as while he's ever washed unpleasant things, it'southward always for his family. Torn between her family, Mabel is forced to brand an impossible determination.

"Grunkle Stan...I trust you."

Mabel lets the Portal remain open, much to Dipper's daze. The countdown reaches zero and a huge wink envelopes anybody, and the Mystery Shack seems to fly...

...Earlier crashing to the footing. The bunker is now in ruins, but everyone is alive. An unknown figure comes out from the barely functioning Portal, and takes Journal ane, revealing his vi-fingered mitt. Stan reveals that this man is the Author of the Journals...his blood brother.

Mabel: Is the part where 1 of us faints?
Soos: Oh, I am so on it, dude. (faints)

*cue silent credits*

Not What He Tropes:

  • Aesop Amnesia: Old Man McGucket lost his mind using a ray to wipe his memories of the portal, not wanting to face the implications of information technology having Gone Horribly Wrong. Now that he's uncovered the apocalypse inaugural on the laptop, he's again running abroad from his problems afterward giving a vague warning to Dipper in "Northwest Mansion Mystery".
  • Ain't Besides Proud to Beg: Stan does so to Mabel when she threatens to hit the kill switch on the portal device.
  • E'er Save the Daughter: Stan was willing to do anything, including risk an apocalypse or large gravitational anomalies, to become his blood brother dorsum.
  • Animation Crash-land: The Writer's Dramatic Unmask was considered so important it was blithe domestically instead of overseas.
  • Anti-Hero: Stan counts as this. He does activate the machine that might've destroyed the universe to see his brother again.
  • Art Shift: When the portal activates the cast are briefly rendered with colored outlines.
  • Attack! Assault... Retreat! Retreat!: This is how Wendy enters and leaves piece of work, marching forwards and backwards with the same motions.
  • Badass in Distress : The Pines get captured by the agents, but they escape by themselves.
  • Bait-and-switch: Agent Trigger is told to "take care" of the kids after the agents arrest Stan, implying a Deadly Euphemism; Mabel nervously asks what he's going to do with the twins.
  • Batman Gambit: Mabel uses Manly Dan's temper to go driven off the route. Involves some Gambit Roulette since the automobile could've crashed differently.
  • Bench Breaker: Stan uses the gravitational anomalies to time breaking the chair he's handcuffed to, while fetching the fundamental to complimentary his hands.
  • Berserk Button: Badmouthing Sevral Timez to Manly Dan is a very bad thought.
  • Big "NO!":
    • Manly Dan lets one when he sees Mabel writting "Sev'ral Timez is overrated".
    • Dipper also shouts this after the dimensional portal activates.
  • Big Crimson Button: The Portal device tin can exist deactivated by pressing one.
  • Black Helicopter: Every bit per the usual modes of transportation for The Men in Black.
  • Blood Knight: Mabel is extremely ambitious in this episode, loudly declaring that she is the God of Destruction during their impromptu fireworks party, and wanting to forcefulness their style into the Shack by direct attacking the security forces property it.

    Mabel: Alright, hither'due south the plan. I'll take out those two guard guys, you karate chop the other dude in the neck and then we'll backflip through the front door!

  • Cleaved Pedestal: Dipper, Mabel, and Soos towards Stan because of him lying about his past.
  • Broken Tears: Mabel at the climax.
  • Call-Back:
    • The government agents from 'Scaryoke' come back to abort Grunkle Stan.
    • "Northwest Mansion Mystery" reveals that they haven't left town since the events of the party.
    • Mabel's grappling claw is over again put to good utilise.
  • Character Focus: On Grunkle Stan patently, merely also on Mabel. She overcomes virtually of the obstacles and figures out most of the puzzles and is the one to make the decision at the end.
  • Chekhov'south Boomerang:
    • Mabel'south grappling hook. How fortunate that she had it on hand.
    • Stan's disability to say "please" without visible pain. When he does, without his usual grumbling, Mabel decides to trust him.
  • Clear Their Name: Dipper and Mabel tries to prove their grunkle's innocence only unfortunately detect that the agents are right.
  • Cliffhanger: A big one. Stan brought dorsum the Author of the Journals (his blood brother), but the federal agents are still at large and after the Pines.
  • The Comically Serious: Not merely Agents Powers and Trigger, merely apparently their whole organisation of Men In Black bears this tone.

    Random Mook: (Super Window Jumps and tackles Waddles) PIG SECURED. We Have SECURED A Hog.
    (Ii more Mooks barricade Waddles in police tape)

  • Complexity Addiction: Mabel's plan to enter the shack.

    Mabel: Alright, here'southward the plan. I'll take out those two guard guys, you karate chop that dude in the neck then we'll backflip through the front door!
    Dipper: Mabel, aren't you forgetting the simpler solution?

  • Continuity Nod:
    • We see the "rock that looks like a face rock" again.
    • Sev'ral Timez are also brought up.
    • Whenever Dipper's hair is pushed upwards, you can come across a certain birthmark on his brow.
    • When Soos remember he hears Stan'southward phonation coming from a drive-in speaker, he comments if this some "possession" episode.
  • Conveniently Timed Distraction: When Stan needs to escape from the agents in the police station, a gravity anomaly occurs which Stan takes reward of to help him escape.
  • Curse Cutting Short: Stan lampshades his usual utilise of Unusual Euphemisms earlier doing a real swear that'south cut off.

    Stan: (drops barrel on his foot) Gah! Hot Belgian Waffles! (crush) Expect, I'yard alone. I can swear for real! (takes deep breath) SON OF A
    (Dipper rapidly fast-fowards the surveillance tape, while Mabel claps her hands over her ears)
    Dipper: That's him, alright...

  • Dead Person Impersonation: Discussed. An sometime newspaper reveals that Stan Pines reportedly died in a auto crash. Dipper and Mabel wonder if a stranger had been impersonating Stan all along. Somewhen subverted every bit the real Stanford Pines isn't dead.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Manly Dan rammed Trigger'south humvee off the road after Mabel wrote on a fogged-upwards window that "Sev'ral Timez is overrated." Had the humvee crashed differently, this could've gotten Mabel, Dipper, and Trigger seriously injured or killed.
  • Do Wrong, Right: "There's no way I'm letting you fire those fireworks... without me!"
  • Easter Egg: There is, of course, the usual puzzle. Merely as well the license plate on the amanuensis'south car translates as "GUVAMENT".
  • Exactly What It Says on the Can: One of the fireworks in the closet is called the Cop Callers. Firing information technology from the shack's roof does exactly that, getting the cops' attending.
  • Failed a Spot Bank check: This was probably done for time, but the federal agents while investigating the Shack don't have in Wendy or Soos for questioning when they show upwardly for work. They as well missed the attic, where Dipper and Mabel find the souvenir shop footage.
  • Family-Friendly Firearms: The agents only pull out tasers, not firearms. Some of them even take extra-large tasers substituting in for rifles.
  • A Father to His Men: Soos mentions wanting to be adopted by Stan and changing his name to "Stan Jr." This makes it more crushing when he and Dipper both lose faith in Stan.
  • Follow That Automobile: Stan cleverly inverts this trope by paying a cab driver to atomic number 82 the government agents on a chase while he runs in the other direction.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Stan shuts down Journal ane's warnings of gravity anomalies with a curt "Tin can it, Poindexter!" which gives off a vibe of personal familiarity with the Writer. Who turns out to exist his brother at the terminate of the episode.
    • At the episode'south beginning, Stan tells Mabel and Dipper that they go along fashion too well for siblings, and Mabel jokes that they'll be bickering whatsoever time at present. Past the episode'southward end, not only practise they have an entirely serious disagreement over Stan, where Dipper suspects the worst while Mabel yet wants to trust him, but the goal of Stan's quest is revealed to be getting back his brother, whom he implies he has some serious bad blood with.
    • What Trigger describes about Stan to the twins all turned out to be true.
    • The gravity anomaly in the opening happens for real.
    • Mabel calls herself "the god of destruction" while setting off fireworks, which she may have become for real by not closing the portal.
    • Mabel's sweater for the episode is a key — she'south the central to keeping the portal on.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus:
    • When Dipper and Mabel search Stan's function, y'all can briefly encounter some titles of books in Stan's library, including "Scams A-Z", "The Business of Business", "Daddy Issues" and a yearbook for "Glass Shard Beach Loftier".
    • The diverse fireworks that Mabel reveals in the closet: Cop Callers, The Lawsuit Maker, Smokey Jokers, Nail!, The Centre Assail and Poor Choices.
    • At the beginning, you tin can see a page from the journal talking virtually unicorns and their pilus but for the pure of heart.
    • When Stan is being interrogated, the bulletin board behind him is covered with prove, including an old report carte that shows him getting straight As in his academic classes, merely a D in gym. Inappreciably sounds like the badass simply Volume Dumb Stan we know...
  • Friend or Idol Decision: Mabel has to decide whether or not to close off the portal; she chooses the latter.
  • Gambit Roulette: Mabel'south plan to get away from Agent Trigger was half Batman Gambit, one-half Gambit Roulette. If the Humvee had crashed in any other way, she, Dipper and Trigger could've been injured or killed. Alternatively, if that tree branch hadn't restrained Trigger he might have but A.) gotten out and chased after the twins or B.) been impaled.
  • Generation Xerox: The credits imply that Dipper and Mabel are not the first Mystery Twins in the Pines family.
  • Good Versus Good: Neither side is truly evil. Stan committed various crimes, but it was to get his brother back from another dimension. Powers and Trigger, while incorrect about Stan's intentions, were right in arresting a man who was guilty of serious felonies. Dipper and Soos virtually ruined Stan's programme to rescue his brother, simply they were trying to stop what they believed was a doomsday device. Mabel fabricated the most dubious decision of the episode (choosing to get out the Portal open, which co-ordinate to all information available ran the extremely loftier risk of catastrophe the Universe), but even she was only acting out of hope that she could still trust a beloved family member.
  • Gosh Dang It to Heck!: Parodied. When Stan on the security camera footage drops a barrel of toxic waste on his foot, he cries out "Hot Belgian waffles." Upon realizing no 1 is around, he decides to swear for real. Dipper fast forwards through the video just before Stan finishes.
  • A Handful for an Eye: When the twins need to get by Soos, Mabel blows a scattering of glitter into his face.

    Soos: Attack glitter! It's pretty just it hurts!

  • Hero Antagonist: The federal agents; they really think that Stan is building a doomsday device and react accordingly.
  • Hope Spot: Dipper and Mabel find footage in the Mystery Shack that seems to confirm Stan's alibi that he was restocking the gift store at the fourth dimension of the theft... and then they find more footage that shows him with the barrels of stolen toxic waste material.
  • Human being Shield: When Dipper questions the agents on how they escaped the zombies that attacked them in "Scary-Oke", Powers explains he used Trigger every bit one of these.
  • I Can Explain: Grunkle Stan says this, right before the last and largest gravitational bibelot happens.
  • Implausible Deniability: Mabel starts developing this the more the twins discover out most Stan's possible double lives and secrets.
  • Jaw Drib: Mabel, Dipper and Stan do this when the Writer — Stan's blood brother — appears out of the portal.
  • Laser Sight: All pointed at Stan.
  • Leaning on the Quaternary Wall: Stan'due south line "Finally! Everything changes today!" essentially holds a double meaning: his blood brother finally returning after 30 years, and the episode existence a major Wham Episode for the series.
  • Literal Metaphor: When Soos is trying to keep Dipper and Mabel away from the vending motorcar, he says "This hurts me more than it hurts yous". It actually does equally Mabel is twisting his side and kicking him in the face.
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!": When Dipper reads aloud from the Journals that if the timer ever hits goose egg, the world is doomed. Dipper, Mabel and Soos look up and come across that there'southward only a minute left on the timer, resulting in this reaction.
  • Mid-Flavour Twist: The writer is back! And he'due south Grunkle Stan'south twin brother.
  • Mistaken for Apocalypse: The machine caused significant damage to the town, but information technology didn't cause the end of the world like it was purported to... yet.
  • No Endor Holocaust: The gravitational anomalies eventually get to the bespeak where buildings are being torn from their foundations, but the episode never suggests anyone is in whatsoever real danger.
  • No Gravity for You: As the portal charges upward, it creates gravitational anomalies of ever-increasing strength, the effect of which is to temporarily close off gravity for the entire town for longer periods as they go stronger. Stan exploits this to escape the Feds since he knows when the anomalies volition occur.
  • Non Helping Your Case: Mabel does this when trying to defend Grunkle Stan.

    Mabel: Grunkle Stan may shoplift the occasional tangerine but he'due south not a crazy super-villain.

  • Not in Front of the Kid: Stan's realization on the security tape that he tin "swear for real" now that he is alone, shows that all his use of Gosh Dang Information technology to Heck! and Unusual Euphemisms throughout the show has really been him trying to sentry his language around Dipper and Mabel.
  • Nothing Is the Same Anymore: As mentioned below, the series gives us i of the biggest ones: the Author of the Journals is finally revealed.
  • Non What Information technology Looks Like: Grunkle Stan says something forth these lines when Dipper calls him out for lying to the twins about everything.
  • OOC Is Serious Business: Previously in "Dominate Mabel", Stan's consummate disability to say or fifty-fifty consider the give-and-take "delight" had been a major plot point in his side-story. When Mabel is nigh to printing the button to stop the machine, he says it without any of his usual hesitation or distaste, highlighting merely how serious the situation is for him.
  • Again, with Clarity!: The Stinger shows the abandoned playground in Stan'due south memories during "Dreamscaperers" when it was even so in utilize... by Stan and his blood brother.
  • One Phone Call: Stan asks for this while being interrogated.
  • Opening Shout-Out:
    • The episode title references a cryptogram in the opening which translates to "STAN IS Not WHAT HE SEEMS."
    • During the first gravitational bibelot, Dipper and Mabel are floating over their beds, recreating a scene from the opening sequence. The main difference is that both are fast comatose and unaware.
  • Police force Are Useless: Sheriff Blubs lets Grunkle Stan and the twins shoot fireworks he knows are illegal off the roof of the Mystery Shack. When Stan escapes from the police force station, Blubs and his deputy are playing with a pinata and blindfold, missing the drama.
  • Poor Communication Kills:
    • If Amanuensis Trigger had been gentler with the twins, while showing them more definite proof that their uncle was guilty if he had information technology on hand, they would have probably cooperated.
    • If Stan had told the twins and Soos about his machine a LONG time ago, they wouldn't have impeded his attempts to get his brother back. Every bit a result, they don't trust him after reading the commodity that he could be pulling a Dead Person Impersonation.
  • Power of Trust: Despite the evidence against Grunkle Stan, Mabel withal allows the portal to reach its countdown. Her religion in him appears to pay off, though due to the Cliffhanger we only really see a modest portion of the aftermath, leaving the exact effects of the Portal unknown.
  • Existent Men Vesture Pink: Guess who's a fan of boy band Sev'ral Timez? None other than Manly Dan! In fact, his reaction to seeing someone trash talk them is to run them off the road.
  • Ruby Herring:
    • Weird, time may have run out, only Neb'southward nowhere to be seen.
    • The laptop ends up being ane, since Dipper and Soos thought it could reveal the Writer's identity. Instead, Stan does so.
    • Soos assumed Stan is the Author because he had the other two journals. It'south not him, it's his blood brother.
  • Dominion of Symbolism: The picture Stan had of Dipper and Mabel has the drinking glass break at the end, representing the loss of trust.
  • Screw This, I'k Out of Here!:
    • Wendy's only appearance in the episode consists of her showing up for work, seeing the Mystery Shack surrounded by government agents, and quickly leaving again.
    • One-time Man McGucket packs his things and tries to exit boondocks when the gravity-quakes kickoff getting stronger.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: What this entire episode amounts to, as all the tension from this episode is quickly resolved within the next episode.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Soos gives us this gem: "Information technology's the terminal countdown! Just like they always sang nearly!"
    • "Is ['stone that looks like a face up stone'] a face, or is it a stone?" "I think information technology's a metaphor."
    • The effects of the device on Gravity Falls resemble a blowout from the S.T.A.L.K.Due east.R franchise, including random gravity anomalies and the sky turning red.
      • According to the sound commentary for the episode, this was also inspired by the ending of FLCL
  • Sidetracked by the Analogy:

    Tyler: Is it just me, or did the entire world only hiccup?
    Lazy Susan: I'm sure it'due south just a baby-sized earthquake.
    Tyler: Aww, baby-sized!

  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Much of the episode's drama is the gulf in Dipper and Mabel'southward reaction to finding out that Stan has been keeping secrets. Exemplified in the scene where they come across the desk of his bunker: Mabel takes the framed picture of herself and Dipper to exist proof that he loves them despite the secrets while Dipper has a breakdown when he finds that Stan was hiding the other 2 journals from him.
  • Skewed Priorities: When Stan is letting Dipper and Mabel play with fireworks, Blubbs and Durland's concern is over whether they have a permit, not that it'due south unsafe.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: After Mabel explains her plan to tackle the guards, Dipper says "Aren't you forgetting the simpler solution?" They then utilize a Grappling-Hook Pistol to sneak in through the attic window.
  • String Theory: At that place'south a message board in the room where Stan is kept in custody.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome:
    • When Stan is captured, Agent Powers tells Amanuensis Trigger to "take care" of the twins. When Mabel asks what that means, Trigger explains he's taking them to Child Services. Mabel is non impressed.
    • Stan usually gets away with stealing a lot of things over the grade of the show, but the line is drawn at radioactive waste stolen form the national government. Theft of government property never goes unnoticed.
  • Sympathy for the Hero: Played With. Anti-Villain Agent Trigger expresses this grudgingly when Mabel succeeds in getting his car run off the route, saying the twins are remaining loyal to Stan despite their uncle beingness known for making fake identities and theft. Dipper tries to ignore these words, but they hit the mark.
  • Tempting Fate:
    • The following (edited in the trailer):
    • Afterward on Mabel and Dipper cheer when the Mystery Shack's surveillance footage seems to provide Stan with an alibi . .. and then the footage cuts to Stan coming in with barrels of toxic waste matter and cursing.
  • There Is No Impale Like Overkill: It certainly seems similar this in the opening.

    Stan: I don't understand! What did I practise that warrants this much absorbing?

  • This Is the Role Where...: Mabel's reaction to the Writer stepping out of the portal, and the reveal that he's Stan's long-lost brother, is to remark "Is this the part where i of us faints?" Soos tells her he has information technology covered.
  • Trash the Set up: Stan'due south Bunker is a wreck past the fourth dimension the portal stops and information technology's a miracle that the Mystery Shack wasn't destroyed when information technology vicious back to World. The balance of Gravity Falls is shown suffering similar harm.
  • Unseen No More: At the cease of the episode, the Author of the Journals finally reveals himself.
  • Vehicle Vanish: The Pine twins pull it off while going back to the Mystery Shack.
  • Villain Has a Signal: Anti-Villain in this instance. When Trigger tells Dipper he and Mabel shouldn't be trusting Stan, Dipper tells him he'due south wrong, but it'southward clear Dipper is starting to recollect this. Played With since while Trigger and Dipper were incorrect about Stan intentionally making a doomsday device, he did almost destroy Gravity Falls and was willing to endanger the whole world to go his brother back. Plus, despite Stan's intentions and debatable ignorance, a doomsday device is functionally what the machine in the basement was made to be, and nosotros get a taste of the apocalypse it was built to create at the end of the flavour.
  • Was It All a Lie?: Dipper was clearly thinking this when calling out Stan.

    Dipper: And I should trust you WHY?! Later on you stole radioactive waste?! After you lied to united states of america all summer?! I DON'T Even KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: "Trust me. Everything I've worked for, everything I intendance virtually, it's all for this family!" And that "everything" includes committing diverse felonies, deceiving and endangering his own family, and gambling the entirety of the man race on the off take a chance that the Portal, despite all bear witness to the reverse, wouldn't end the universe. Even Soos can't side with him past the end.
  • Wham Episode: Oh, SO much! Dipper and Mabel and Soos finally discover Stan'southward portal underneath the shack forth with the revelation that the author of the journals is revealed to be Stan'southward twin brother.
  • Wham Line:
    • Stan Pines Dead
    • Delivered by Mabel when the countdown is about to finish:
    • The BIGGEST one at the stop:

      Dipper: "Who'south that?"
      Stan: "The Writer of the Journals... my brother."

  • Wham Shot:
    • The Surveillance video shows that Stan really did steal the toxic waste material.
    • The newspaper clipping showing that Stan Pines had been dead for years, and that a grifter who looks like the homo we know as Stan is at big.
    • The Author stepping out of the Portal, grabs a journal with his six fingered hand, so takes off his head coverings to reveal he's Stan's twin brother.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Dipper gives one to Mabel when she chooses to mind to Stan and proceed with his countdown. Justified when yous consider that it appeared that Stan was trying to jump commencement the apocalypse, as warned past Beak, McGucket, the FBI, and the Author of the Journals, whose books seem to be the authority on how the machine works and leaves no ambiguity regarding how much of a threat to the world it is. From Dipper's signal of view, Mabel is gambling the unabridged human being race on the word of a stranger, Consummate Liar, and federal criminal who has impersonated a deceased member of their family unit and shown warning signs that he's out to harm others. Though Stan turns out to have at to the lowest degree had benign intentions and the machine doesn't immediately end the world, the portal is every bit every bit dangerous as described and, in only the short time it was open, already has ripped a rift in reality that does afterward crusade an apocalypse. Even when that apocalypse is temporarily beaten back, the series ends with the Rift an uncontainable and permanent ticking timebomb.
    • He too gives one to Stan for lying to him and Mabel about everything that had been happening during the summer, demanding to know why anyone should listen to or trust him after learning that not simply has he committed major federal crimes that endanger everyone around him and impersonated a fellow member of their family, merely the programme he is attempting now clearly threatens the unabridged human being race. At this point, Dipper has plenty show to back up the FBI'southward implied conclusions that Stan is some kind of Omnicidal Maniac who murdered and stole the identity of their family member.
  • Wild Goose Hunt: How Stan manages to distract the authorities agents afterward escaping: he pays a cab to go abroad from town, knowing the agents will follow it.
  • You Have to Believe Me!: Stan shouts this to the kids equally he's being arrested, claiming that he really didn't practice the crimes he's beingness arrested for this fourth dimension. Ironically, he was lying even so.
    • And once again at the cease of the episode, when Mabel has the selection of shutting off the machine. Leaving information technology on runs the risk of ending the earth, but turning it off goes against "everything [Stan's] worked for," which he promises is for the sake of his family unit. Mabel chooses to believe him.

Not What He Seems

A figure walks through the portal. Stan reveals that it's his twin brother, who wrote the Journals.

Example of:
The Reveal


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