Try Try Again Song 101 Dalmatians

Diabetes 101: Your Complete Guide

An older adult talks about blood sugar testing with the pharmacist.
Photo Courtesy: Morsa Images/Getty Images

Diabetes is a health condition that develops when your body can't procedure sugar normally. Information technology leads to higher-than-normal blood glucose (saccharide) levels. Without treatment, high blood sugar from diabetes tin can damage your organs and other body systems.

Co-ordinate to the American Diabetes Association, over 34 million Americans have diabetes — that's more than than one in x Americans. And at least 7 million of those people don't know they accept it. That's why it'southward so important to learn nearly recognizing, preventing and treating diabetes.

When y'all eat, your stomach and minor intestine absorb sugar from nutrient and release it into your bloodstream. So your body releases a hormone called insulin to make your cells have the sugar from your blood and use information technology for energy. When this procedure works the style information technology'southward supposed to, your claret sugar stays in a healthy range.

Only when you accept diabetes, this procedure doesn't piece of work correctly. In Type ane diabetes, your pancreas produces little or no insulin. In Blazon 2 diabetes, your cells have trouble responding to insulin and absorbing sugar from your blood. Type 1 usually starts in childhood or teen years, while Type two commonly starts in adulthood.

The expert news is that you lot can take steps to foreclose diabetes. And if you've already been diagnosed, you can accept steps to manage your blood sugar. Getting the treatment you need can help prevent the most serious effects of diabetes.

Blazon 2 diabetes is much more common than Type 1 — more than nine out of 10 people with diabetes accept Type two. Learn nigh the types and how they're unlike.

Type 1 Diabetes

In Type 1 diabetes, your immune system destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Eventually, your torso loses the ability to produce any insulin at all. Without insulin, your body can't use the sugar it absorbs from the food you eat. Instead, the carbohydrate stays in your blood.

Type 1 diabetes is a lifelong status that's frequently diagnosed in children and teens. That'south why it'south sometimes called "juvenile diabetes." However, people can develop Blazon one at any age. Symptoms often come on rapidly over a period of weeks or months. Common symptoms include weight loss, weakness, thirst and frequent urination.

There'south no cure for Type 1 diabetes, only you lot can manage it with insulin therapy and an eating plan.

Type 2 Diabetes

Where Type 1 involves a problem with your pancreas making insulin, Type ii usually involves changes in your body'southward cells and how they answer to insulin.

With Blazon 2 diabetes, your fat, liver, muscle and other cells begin to ignore insulin signals, fifty-fifty when there's plenty of insulin in your bloodstream. Over time, your pancreas produces more than and more insulin, and your body'south cells reply less and less. This process is chosen insulin resistance. Equally a outcome, saccharide builds up in your bloodstream.

Different the quick get-go of Type 1 diabetes, Type two diabetes happens gradually over a period of months or years. Symptoms are usually less noticeable, and people with Blazon 2 diabetes may not know they accept it.

You tin manage Type 2 diabetes with a combination of medicines and lifestyle changes. These changes include getting to a salubrious weight, eating salubrious and getting more exercise. Unlike Type i diabetes, Type 2 diabetes tin can go into remission with effective direction. Some people with Type 2 can manage their blood sugar with lifestyle changes lone, while others demand medicines too.


Prediabetes develops when your blood sugar is college than normal levels, but isn't high plenty to be considered Type two diabetes however. More than than 1 in 3 Americans has prediabetes — just because it has no symptoms, most people don't know they have it. If you're diagnosed with prediabetes, yous tin can make lifestyle changes to forbid it from turning into Blazon two diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes happens during pregnancy. Information technology tin can be hard to notice the symptoms, so doctors recommend that all significant people get screened for gestational diabetes at 24 weeks.

What Are the Symptoms of Diabetes?

A doctor shows someone with diabetes how to check their blood sugar.
Photo Courtesy: Maskot/Getty Images

Depending on the type of diabetes y'all have and how high your blood sugar is, you lot might non notice any symptoms at showtime. Early on symptoms of diabetes include:

  • Frequent urination (having to pee more often than usual)
  • Feeling very thirsty and drinking more fluids than usual

Equally your body has more and more than problem processing sugar from the foods you eat, you may observe:

  • Irritability
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Unexpected weight loss
  • Feelings of hunger
  • Nausea

Complications from diabetes can lead to more astringent symptoms. These may too happen if you have diabetes that'southward undiagnosed, or if you don't go treatment for your diabetes. These symptoms include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Peel infections
  • Deadening healing of wounds
  • Numbness or tingling of the hands or feet
  • Sexual problems like erectile dysfunction

Warning signs of diabetes can be subtle. Talk with your medico if you discover any of these signs:

  • Waking upwardly during the dark feeling very thirsty
  • Waking up to pee more than once per night
  • Falling asleep during the twenty-four hour period
  • Not noticing minor injuries on your easily or feet
  • Not existence able to experience hot or common cold temperatures with your fingers
  • Colour changes in your anxiety
  • Having trouble with sexual arousal

Retrieve, in that location are effective treatments for diabetes. That's why information technology'south important to get help right away if you observe symptoms.

What Causes Diabetes? Am I at Run a risk?

Causes and Adventure for Type 1

Experts believe Type ane diabetes is primarily genetic, but there's no single gene that tin tell you your risk for diabetes. Researchers have found several genes that may increase your adventure of getting Type ane diabetes.

Environmental factors probably as well affect your risk for Type 1 diabetes — but researchers don't yet understand exactly what role these play. For example, Type i diabetes is more mutual in certain parts of the globe and in urban areas. There may too exist a link betwixt Type 1 diabetes and contact with certain types of bacteria and viruses in early childhood.

Causes and Risk for Type 2

Similar Type 1 diabetes, there's besides non i exact crusade of Blazon 2 diabetes. Withal, there are several risk factors that tin can increase your take a chance for Type 2 diabetes, including:

  • Family history — Genes play a role, and so you're more likely get Type 2 diabetes if you lot have a parent or sibling with the condition.
  • Weight — Obesity is the strongest risk factor for Type 2 diabetes, especially if you have actress weight around your waistline. Experts aren't certain exactly how weight affects diabetes gamble, but they recall fat cells may play a role in insulin resistance.
  • Physical activity level — Lack of exercise can raise your run a risk for Blazon two diabetes.
  • Smoking — People who fume are more likely to go Type 2 diabetes. So if you fume, make a plan to quit.
  • Diet — People whose diets are high in dairy products, carbohydrates and red meat accept a higher gamble for Type 2 diabetes than people whose eat mainly fruits, vegetables, white meat and whole grains.
  • Other health conditions — Loftier blood pressure, high cholesterol and middle disease can enhance your risk for diabetes.

Your risk besides goes up as yous get older.

How Tin can I Prevent Diabetes?

There's no style to foreclose Blazon 1 diabetes — merely you lot can take steps to preclude Type 2 diabetes by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Follow these steps:

  • Stay at a healthy weight. If you lot're overweight, talk with your doctor about healthy ways to manage your weight.
  • Become more physical activity. Aim for at least 2 and a one-half hours of action a week.
  • Consume a healthy, balanced diet with lots of fruits, veggies and whole grains.
  • If you smoke, make a programme to quit.

If yous already take diabetes, yous tin can forestall complications by controlling your claret sugar. This means post-obit all your doctor's recommendations, checking your blood carbohydrate regularly, planning your meals and taking your insulin or other diabetes medicines at the right times.

How Practise Doctors Diagnose Diabetes?

Doctors diagnose diabetes with blood tests. You'll unremarkably need to fast before the examination, significant you can't consume or beverage anything just water for a set number of hours beforehand. When you've been fasting, your blood sugar should be between 70 mg/dl and 99 mg/dl (milligrams of sugar per deciliter of blood).

A woman talks with her doctor about diabetes.
Photo Courtesy: FatCamera/Getty Images

Your medico may as well recommend a glucose tolerance examination. This measures your blood glucose (sugar) levels earlier and later on you eat or drink a certain amount of sugar. That way, the dr. can see how your torso processes the sugar.

To go a more long-term picture of your claret sugar over time, your doctor may practice a hemoglobin A1C test. The results of this test show your boilerplate claret sugar levels over several months. A reading of 5.7% or less is considered normal for someone without diabetes.

Because Type 2 diabetes is common, doctors often offer screening tests to people who are at risk of developing diabetes, including people who are overweight and betwixt ages 35 and lxx. Equally part of the screening process, your doctor may ask you virtually any diabetes symptoms you have, your eating and exercise habits, and any family history of diabetes.

Yous may also need a concrete exam, which includes checking your weight and claret pressure level. If yous're already experiencing diabetes symptoms, your physician may check for problems with your eyesight and sensation in your anxiety. You may as well need a urine test to cheque for signs of diabetes or kidney problems.

What Are the Treatments for Diabetes?

If yous're diagnosed with diabetes, your md will piece of work with you to make a personalized handling plan. There are several mutual treatments that are likely to play a part in the ways you lot manage life with diabetes.

Insulin Therapy

The chief treatment for people with Type 1 diabetes is insulin. Some people with Type 2 diabetes also demand insulin to manage their blood sugar. You tin accept insulin using a pen-like device that you insert directly into your pare. Some people apply wearable insulin pumps, which tin can automatically give y'all the correct amount of insulin based on your blood sugar readings.

There are several different types of insulin:

  • Long-interim insulins evangelize a constant dose of insulin for an extended period of time (typically 20 to 24 hours). People usually take doses of these once or twice a day so their bodies ever have plenty insulin available.
  • Intermediate-interim insulins piece of work within 2 to four hours. They top (hit their maximum consequence) at between 4 and 12 hours and continue working for upwardly to 18 hours.
  • Short-interim insulins work within 30 minutes. They top within 2 or 3 hours and continue working for betwixt 12 and xviii hours.
  • Rapid-acting insulins work within a few minutes. They summit inside an hour and continue to work for between two and 4 hours. People often take them at mealtimes and measure the dose according to the amount of sugar in the meal.

It's of import to talk with your dr. regularly most your insulin treatment plan. Your doctor or a diabetes educator can teach you how to make certain you're getting the correct corporeality and type of insulin at the right time.

Other Diabetes Medicines

Medicines for Type 2 diabetes can assistance your body respond to insulin more than effectively. Common diabetes medicines include the following:

  • Biguanides, such as Metformin, help reduce the amount of glucose your liver produces. They also aid your body amend respond to insulin and absorb the sugars you swallow more effectively.
  • Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors, such as Alogliptin and Saxagliptin, help your pancreas produce more insulin.
  • Sulphonylureas, such as Gliclazide, stimulate your pancreas to produce more insulin.
  • Thiazolidinediones, such every bit Pioglitazone, reduce insulin resistance in fat cells.
  • Glucagon-similar peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, such equally Exenatide and Liraglutide, ameliorate insulin secretion from your pancreas.
  • Sodium-glucose transporter (SGLT) ii inhibitors help your kidneys get rid of excess glucose.

People with Type 2 diabetes sometimes as well need insulin therapy.

Type 2 diabetes can also increase your run a risk of developing other health conditions, similar high cholesterol or high blood pressure. So your doctor may also recommend medicines to lower your take chances of developing these atmospheric condition.

Irresolute Your Diet

What you eat plays a large part in both the prevention and control of diabetes. If you have diabetes, try to cut down on saturated fats. Choose lean meats similar chicken and turkey instead of red meat. And effort eating vegetable oils, nuts and seeds instead of fatty meats and dairy products.

Your doctor may also recommend a low-sugar diet and propose swapping unproblematic and refined carbohydrates (like candy, pastries and white breadstuff) for complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and legumes (like beans and lentils).

Monitoring Your Blood Carbohydrate

If yous've been diagnosed with diabetes, it'due south important to see your dr. for regular checkups. Your medico can monitor your A1C level to encounter how well your treatment programme is working. The college your A1C level is, the greater your take a chance is of developing complications of diabetes.

Y'all'll also need to monitor your claret saccharide yourself throughout the 24-hour interval, especially before and later on meals. Yous'll employ a glucose monitor device to do this. This device checks your blood sugar using a tiny drib of blood from a finger prick. Some people utilize continuous glucose monitors to constantly monitor their blood sugar levels.

What Complications Tin can Diabetes Cause?

Without treatment and lifestyle changes to manage your blood sugar, diabetes tin can atomic number 82 to serious complications.

Hypoglycemia (Depression Blood Saccharide)

Sometimes, treatments for diabetes can make your blood sugar too low. Depression blood sugar causes symptoms like weakness, trembling, palpitations, abdominal hurting, nausea and vomiting. In some cases, information technology tin cause loss of consciousness, seizures and even death. If you're taking insulin or other medicines that lower your blood carbohydrate levels, information technology'due south of import to be aware of these symptoms and to check your blood saccharide regularly.

Diabetic Eye Disease

Diabetic retinopathy and other diabetic eye diseases are the well-nigh mutual diabetes complication. High claret sugar levels can harm the tiny blood vessels in your eyes.

You lot may not notice whatsoever symptoms in the early stages, simply untreated diabetic eye disease can lead to vision loss and even incomprehension. If you take diabetes, it's important to see an eye md for regular eye exams. And if you lot find changes in your vision, tell your doctor correct away.

Kidney Damage

Diabetes can damage the blood vessels within your kidneys, causing kidney illness. Kidney disease frequently has no symptoms until later stages. So your doctor may recommend screening tests to find signs of kidney bug early on. Without treatment, kidney affliction can pb to kidney failure. High blood pressure can also cause kidney harm, so information technology's important to go along your blood pressure within the normal range.

Nervus Impairment

Diabetic nerve damage (called neuropathy) tin can develop if your blood sugar levels remain too high. Nerve damage usually affects your hands and anxiety first. It may crusade symptoms such as tingling or numbness. Diabetes can besides damage nerves in the genitals, leading to sexual problems like erectile dysfunction.

Center Disease

Loftier blood carbohydrate damages your claret vessels, especially the vessels in your eye. This means people with diabetes have a higher risk of developing middle affliction and related conditions similar angina and heart attacks. If you accept eye assail symptoms like chest pain, go aid right away.


Diabetes raises your risk for infections — peculiarly peel infections. People with uncontrolled diabetes oft get fungal infections. These cause an itchy rash in sweaty areas like the groin, nether the breasts or in skin folds. You can treat these infections with anti-fungal cream, but it'south important to tell your doctor as soon as you notice symptoms.

Oral Health Problems

People with diabetes are also decumbent to developing oral fissure infections and glue disease. It's essential to castor your teeth twice per twenty-four hour period and have regular dental cleanings and checkups.

Foot Complications

The combination of loss of normal awareness due to diabetic neuropathy and poor circulation in the feet means that you might not exist able to feel pain signals from small injuries, blisters or ulcers. Keep an centre on your feet, and address any sores or blisters right abroad.

If you accept problems with your feet, you may need to encounter a diabetes human foot specialist, called a diabetic podiatrist. In severe cases of foot infection, it may exist necessary to amputate the affected pes.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis

People with Blazon 1 diabetes develop a condition chosen diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). DKA happens when your torso has likewise little insulin to let sugar enter your cells. Since it can't use sugar for energy, your body gets energy from other places, such every bit your fatty and muscle tissue. This creates byproducts called ketones, which can modify the chemical balance of your blood and make you lot sick.

Symptoms of DKA (in improver to other diabetes symptoms) include:

  • Breathlessness
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Intestinal hurting
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Seizures

Your Adjacent Steps for Living With Diabetes

Managing diabetes takes fourth dimension and effort — but the skillful news is that treatments and lifestyle changes can assistance you manage your claret sugar and avoid diabetes complications. You can piece of work with your medico to develop a healthy eating and activity plan. Your doctor may also prescribe medicines to manage your symptoms.

Photograph Courtesy: adamkaz/Due east+/Getty Images

It's important to remember that diabetes is very treatable, and y'all can live a long and salubrious life with diabetes by following your handling plan. Your doctor tin besides assist y'all find resources to help you live with diabetes — similar referring you to a diabetes educator or support groups for people with diabetes.

And the changes y'all make to manage your diabetes tin can also reduce your risk of other conditions, like heart affliction and cancer. So commencement taking steps today to manage your diabetes and protect your overall health.

Resource Links

  • "Type 2 Diabetes" via MedlinePlus
  • "Diabetes" via National Wellness Service (Britain)
  • "Overview of Diabetes" via BMJ Best Exercise
  • "Diabetes" via World Health Arrangement
  • "Concrete Action Guidelines for Americans, 2d edition" via U.South. Section of Health and Human Services
  • "Sectionalization of Diabetes Translation" via Centers for Illness Control and Prevention
  • "Statistics About Diabetes" via American Diabetes Association
  • "Type 1 Diabetes" via Mayo Clinic
  • "Prediabetes" via Mayo Clinic


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