How Do You Know if You Are Hired at Uber

While Amazon and Microsoft take profited from changing consumer habits induced by the pandemic, Uber is one of the few tech giants that has struggled. Demand for its ride-hailing services barbarous l-85 percent in major US cities, co-ordinate to the New York Times. In May, Uber laid off near 7,000 employees -- about 25 percentage of its staff -- and announced it would close 45 of its global offices.

If you're considering working for Uber, wait to bring together a visitor undergoing major changes. UberEats recently surpassed Uber's core ridesharing business in adjusted net revenue, according to a recent quarterly earnings report. Uber is likewise facing lawsuits in California and Massachusetts from drivers seeking to be reclassified as employees instead of contained contractors.

The company has as well wound downwardly its tech incubator and AI labs, where engineers in one case tested self-driving cars. Most businesses stopped testing driverless technologies during the pandemic considering two people are required to ride in the vehicle to preclude accidents, which violates social distancing guidelines.

In this commodity, we'll cover:

  1. Interview process
  2. Tips for success
  3. Example interview questions
  4. Performance review procedure & refreshers

Interview Process at Uber

Current and would-be employees at Uber say the interview procedure is similar to other tech companies, like Google or Facebook. Not all interview reviews are positive-- on Glassdoor, many candidates report not receiving feedback or a formal rejection if they are dropped from the hiring process.

Phone screen with recruiter (1 hour)

Expect a standard, initial phone screen with a recruiter to discuss your work experience, career goals, and involvement in the role. Beware that Uber'due south phone interviews are i 60 minutes as opposed to the typical 30 minutes, and so look an in-depth discussion. During this phone phone call, the recruiter will also evaluate your technical skills to ensure you possess the core competencies required for the part.

When discussing your previous experiences, exist sure to mention your personal contribution. Don't simply list your responsibilities or what technologies you lot used. Specificity is key. According to the Uber Engineering science blog: '"I was responsible for designing our database schema and the back-terminate API endpoints" is a stronger response than "Nosotros built an app that showed photos."'

👉 We know the best style to gear up for behavioral interviews. Learn more here.

Technical telephone screen (1 hour)

For non-engineering roles, you'll either be quizzed on your area of expertise and/or skip direct to an assessment (run across below). If you are interviewing for an engineering role, expect a technical telephone screen with the applied science manager or a software engineer on the team you practical for.

Coding claiming

To put information technology simply, this is a coding round. Would-be developers are given 30-forty minutes to work on a coding exercise to test their noesis of data structures and algorithms. Expect questions about string search problems, trees, string manipulation, arrays, and linked lists. The interviewer volition utilize HackerRank, a collaborative editing software, to review your code as you type. Be prepared to write code that compiles and runs; the interviewer will take prepared several test examples for the problem to check if your lawmaking really works.

To ace the coding challenges in your technical phone screen and onsite interview (if you are invited for one), Uber recommends that you practice as many programming problems as possible ahead of time (brush upwardly on leetcode!). Recommended written report resources include the ACM-ICPC archive from past programming contests, CodeWars, and the book Not bad the Coding Interview.

Work experience discussion

After the coding practice, the interviewer will allocate v-10 minutes to discuss your work experience. This portion includes behavioral questions similar

Tell me about a fourth dimension y'all resolved a technical disagreement with a team member.

Describe a time y'all needed to acquire information from someone who was not very responsive -- how did you handle it?

Your questions

The final 5-10 minutes are reserved for you to enquire your own questions. Candidates who don't ask intelligent, thoughtful questions are perceived as less interested -- this is truthful at whatsoever visitor, simply Uber specifically mentions this in its engineering blog -- and so come prepared. Interview candidates should show that they're committed to finding a mutual fit, instead of accepting any old job.

👉 Learn more than about the Uber data scientist interview hither.

Assessments (optional)

Uber prefers to evaluate candidates' trouble-solving skills through real-earth scenarios rather than encephalon teasers about golf game assurance and schoolhouse buses. Depending on the position you're applying for, look one of the post-obit:

Artistic writing assessment

For marketing manager or community manager positions

Examples: drafting a blog post that addresses a real-globe Uber scenario, such as announcing a new driver committee construction, communicating with a disgruntled customer, or de-escalating a PR fiasco.

Excel analytics exam

For general manager positions

This is a two-hour timed analytics exam consisting of 32 math questions, with multiple pick and a few short essays. The questions are based on ii .CSV files that candidates must download.

Coding challenges

For engineering positions

Example: asking the candidate to calculate the nearest transit stop from their current location.

Other existent-world problem-solving challenges

For just about anyone

Examples: "Imagine you are launching Uber in a new urban center and have nil budget. How do you recruit drivers?" or "I am an Uber driver who claims that I did not receive my payment and that Uber is cheating me. What would you say to me?"

Onsite interviews (upwards to 6 rounds)

Bated from knowing your technical stuff, be prepared to talk near yourself. Uber recommends preparing an elevator pitch that sums up your prior career trajectory, current work, and hereafter goals. The typical onsite interview consists of 4-half-dozen dorsum-to-back interviews, with brusk breaks in between, and dejeuner, which is an extension of the interview. Each interview consists of a console of two-4 Uber employees.

Technical candidates

Employees say onsite interviews for technical roles consist of v stages: two stages of coding, one stage of software architecture, tiffin, and a final interview with the hiring manager. For the coding challenges, yous'll alternating betwixt using HackerRank and a whiteboard, and you may also get questions nigh system design. You can solve each trouble in the linguistic communication of your choice. Don't try to impress a recruiter by using a coding language you don't know well but considering your prospective team uses information technology; they'll grab you lot quickly.


Afterward the onsite interview is over, your interviewers will gather in a room and upvote or downvote you. Each person will describe their impression of you lot, your technical skills, advice skills, and team fit. Ultimately, the hiring manager decides whether or not to proceed with an offer.

If interviewer feedback seems mixed, the recruiter may conform an additional telephone screen to analyze something that was missed during the onsite.

If Uber decides to extend an offer, you'll hear from the hiring manager via phone or email. Beware that negotiating your salary at Uber tin can be catchy. Bounty packages tend to be equity-heavy, and the company rarely budges on that.

👉 Acquire more than about how to negotiate your salary here or gear up an intro call with u.s.a..

Tips to Help You Succeed

Understand Uber'southward business model

If you're interviewing for a creative function, information technology's especially important for you lot to sympathise Uber's various apps and strategic business concern units, including UberEats, Uber Freight, Advanced Technologies Group, and Uber Elevate.

Knowing the product includes agreement the people who use it -- both drivers and riders. What are drivers' pain points? How is Uber's rideshare business performing in foreign markets? How is Uber doing compared to competitors like Lyft? Comprehending these viewpoints will empower y'all to ask more intelligent questions and offering improve solutions.

Don't be afraid to grill your interviewer

Uber hiring managers emphasize the importance of hiring for mutual fit. They are therefore more impressed with candidates who inquire challenging questions about their team, the production, and the day-to-day piece of work than those who indiscriminately express agreement with everything their interviewer says.

Uber Interview Questions

Behavioral Questions...

  1. Tell me almost a time you tried to practice something only failed
  2. Tell me about a fourth dimension you took the lead on a project
  3. Tell me about a projection where you failed to communicate with senior leadership
  4. If you could be an expert at any skill, what would you choose?
  5. If you lot were to be hired here today, what would you want to start working on?
  6. What would inspire you to stay on lath with us, rather than taking another role in a couple years?
  7. How would your friends depict y'all?
  8. Tell me about a time y'all optimized a process. What was the upshot?

Technical Questions...

  1. Uber Eats wants to ensure there are enough deliverers during tiptop periods- how do you estimate that?
  2. What variables will you use to model the price we should accuse each eating house? How will you model this?
  3. Design an a/b experimentation service that helps engineers do divide testing
  4. Code a iv-manner street light
  5. Blueprint the latest search engine to rival Google
  6. Write a problem that solves sudoku bug and provides an error bulletin if your solution is invalid
  7. Design a system that rivals PayPal
  8. Design an awarding that can ship notifications to multiple devices

Operation Reviews & Refreshers

Uber has a general dominion that you must remain at your electric current level for 1 year earlier being up for a promotion (though this is less strict for junior roles).

Here's the boilerplate promotion trajectory:

  • L3 to L4: unremarkably 1.5 years; some tin be promoted in 1 twelvemonth, just it's not typical
  • L4 to L5a: this depends on your skillset; could be 2-3 years if you lot need to improve in certain areas
  • L5a to L5b: difficult to do; 2-3 years if at all

Functioning review process

Performance reviews at Uber evaluate your performance at your level, your projects, and your advice, not necessarily how long you've been with the company.

Uber has 2 operation reviews per year: one in June and ane in December. During this procedure, y'all have to assemble your own bundle, and you'll go feedback from 3-5 peers of your choice and your managing director. Anybody will give feedback on the peak things you're doing well and where you have room for growth. Your manager will also review your competencies within your field.

You'll then get a rating of "meets," "below," or "exceeds." The expectations are based on your level. Note that Uber doesn't have a forced curve anymore, but your peers are still taken into consideration (we'll go into that below).

Some Uber employees have explained the performance review procedure as highly political with a lot of favoritism.

For L5b and up

At L5b and above, you have to "interview" with the committee during performance reviews. It's an hr-long interview, and while it's not like you lot're interviewing equally a new hire again, it's likewise more than a formality — you may be asked behavioral questions like "what y'all would do in this scenario." While information technology may audio a fleck daunting, it's also an opportunity to plead your case.

How refreshers work

At the terminate of the twelvemonth, your bonus, refreshers, and raise are based on your performance, and your peers' operation is taken into consideration when deciding how much. If in that location are a lot of similar performers at your level in the "exceeds" category, and then a lot of people could go slightly over target; on the other mitt, if there are a few performers that stand out, and then those few could go a lot over target.

Refreshers aren't guaranteed at Uber, simply it's unlikely not to get them. High performers at Uber get 1-2x of the targeted amount for refreshers. This review on Bullheaded from an Uber employee highlights this sentiment:

"They're not guaranteed in the sense they tin expand/contract based on a variety of factors, but it's very unlikely you would ever get below fourscore% of the communicated target. In the same vein, it'southward possible to get 2x."


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